Revival Ministry Nairobi Order of Service

Welcome and Opening Prayer: The service begins with a warm welcome to all attendees and an opening prayer to invite God's presence into the gathering. Praise and Worship: A time of uplifting praise and worship is led by the worship team, encouraging everyone to enter into a spirit of adoration and surrender to God. Scripture Reading: A selected portion of Scripture is read aloud, providing a foundation for the message and setting the tone for the service. Sermon: The preacher delivers a powerful message rooted in the Word of God, focusing on revival, spiritual growth, and encountering the presence of the Holy Spirit. Altar Call and Prayer: An invitation is extended to those who desire to respond to the message, seeking personal revival or prayer for specific needs. The congregation is encouraged to come forward for prayer and supplication. Testimonies: Attendees are given an opportunity to share their testimonies of how God has worked in their lives, highlighting His faithfulness and the transformative power of His love. Special Music or Dance: A special musical performance or dance presentation is incorporated to inspire and uplift the congregation, further enhancing the atmosphere of worship. Intercessory Prayer: The church intercedes for various needs, both within the congregation and in the wider community, praying for revival, healing, reconciliation, and spiritual breakthrough. Communion: The congregation partakes in the symbolic act of communion, reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and expressing unity as members of the body of Christ. Offering: A time is dedicated to giving tithes and offerings as an act of worship and support for the ministry's ongoing work. Closing Remarks and Benediction: The service concludes with closing remarks, expressing gratitude for God's presence and blessings throughout the gathering. A benediction is pronounced, sending the congregation out with a blessing and a charge to carry the spirit of revival into their daily lives.